The Best Fall Bouquet For Your Wedding


Your wedding is in the Fall and you’re wondering what kind of flowers to get now that Summer is pasts? Falls weddings can be extremely elegant if you fully embrace the season! After the vibrant and fresh colors of Summer, Autumn makes way for warm shades and rich texture.


Fall Bouquet Colors

In terms of colors for your Fall bouquet, think of the crispy foliage, red apples, red sunsets and add tinge of lime green. What about using velvet red roses, tawny orange lilies, or even Leucospermum! You can be very creative with textures too by including thistle, eucalyptus, or wheat for example. Berries are also a great choice in autumn bouquet. For a very glamorous look, you can play with purples, greys and faded pink colors with a splash of rich reds.

White is a timeless color for weddings whether it is for a Spring, Summer or Fall bouquet. White lilies, roses, crocuses with splashes of greens will create a chic and elegant bouquet regardless of the season.


Fall Bouquet Shape

In terms of shape, this is really dependant on your type flower choices and all typical wedding bouquet shapes would be acceptable.

  • The Posy Bouquet: this is a very popular choice. It is a very elegant, yet easy to handle bouquet. Dark red roses, white lilies and thick green foliage will create a full entrancing Fall bouquet.
  • The Shower or Cascade Bouquet: truly a wow factor bouquet type which cascades down the front of the gown in a tear drop shape. The use of green foliage to cascade down the bouquet bundle for the most impressive effect.
  • The Round Bouquet: probably the most well-known wedding bouquet type. They are similar to the Posy bouquet only bigger.
  • The Presentation Bouquet: a popular style of bouquet which should cradle well in the arms of the bride. You should use flowers with long stems. This is a very chic bouquet which is meant to look fresh like a bouquet of fresh flowers picked from a field.

Additional Fell Bouquet Items

You can be creative with you fall bouquet and insert more items to make it exceptional.

  • Berries and fruits: choose autumn berries and fruits to include in your Fall bouquet. Blackberries, almonds, seeds and even pumpkins and apples!
  • Jewelries: you can add pearls, gold pendants and teardrop shaped crystals to add shine and texture to your fall bouquet.
  • Ties: you can choose to tie your fall bouquet with silk ribbons, string, hay and even add more jewelry to it.

Fall is a wonderful time to have your wedding! Create your own fall bouquet with fiery colors and add some creative texture to it and make it completely unique.

Check our website for specific infos on wedding florists in your area:

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